Everbearing Strawberry


Fragaria x ananassa
Full sun (6 to 8 hrs/day)

Strawberry plants are small bushes that grow to about .5 to 1 ft tall. Our variety is an everbearing strawberry, meaning after it grows fruit for the first time in the spring, it will continue to produce until it gets too cold. Strawberries take about six weeks to mature, so depending on the seasons and location you can usually get several harvests! The other type of strawberry plant is junebearing, which produces only one crop of fruit, usually maturing some time in June.
Most of both the junebearing and everbearing varieties are hybrids between different types of wild strawberries. There is no way to say where strawberries are 'native' to, as different types can be found throughout North and South America, Europe, and Asia. Our variety is one of the most common and hardy everbearing types, a cross between two other American strawberry varieties.

Health Benefits


Cooking - CHANGE

Strawberries can be eaten in many ways, though sometimes our favorite is to eat them right off of the bush. You can tell they're ripe when the


Water throughout the year, when the top 1 to 2 inches of soil is dry to the touch. Pour your water into the top of the container and continue until water drains from the bottom of the pot. Hotter days means the plant may require more irrigation than usual, so make sure to check it during the summer. If kept inside, watering will more consistent though it will still require less watering during the winter months.


This plant is tropical to sub-topical, though it can survive winters outside in Zone 6, which is where the Boston area is located. If outside, it will lose its leaves during the winter and grow them back in the spring. If kept inside or in another appropriate climate, it is considered an evergreen.


In general, you may need to repot your curry leaf tree every one to three years depending on the size. When outside, it can reach a maximum height of 20 feet, though in smaller pots when inside it will reach about six and can always be pruned to the height desired, or to have a more buhs-like shape. It has a slow growth rate, increasing by six to ten inches per year for the first few years after planting, so you won't need to repot too often. Move into medium to heavy soil that drains well and make sure the pot used has adequate holes to facilitate drainage immediately after watering.